Linux – Checkpoint VPN client not connecting, Debian Wheezy


Edit: what I'm looking for here is help finding out what's going on at the OS level, so that I can find out for sure whether the problem is on my end or my workplace's end, or in between. I'm not really after help fixing the problem! Thanks 🙂

My employer provides a VPN service using a Checkpoint VPN product (uncertain exactly which); there are two routes into the network from a Linux machine, either using Checkpoint's SNX command line client, or using a web portal that runs a Java applet.

In the past, I was able to connect without any problem using the client, but it's recently ceased to work, giving me the following:

Check Point's Linux SNX
build 800007027
Please enter your password:
SNX: Cannot establish connection to SSL Network Extender gateway. Try to reconnect.

The result is that I now have to use the Java applet. The admins are sure that nothing's changed on their end, and I'm 95% sure that nothing's changed on mine. I'd much rather use the SNX client than have to have Java in my browser.

How can I go about tracking down where the fault lies? I am not well-versed in much more than the basics as far as networking goes.

Best Answer

In general, googling your error message helps: have you seen this Web page,

Don't be fooled by the disclaimer that it concerns a discontinued product, the page was last updated on march 13th, 2014. Basically, it is a matter of traffic on port 443 being blocked.

As per your system admins claim that nothing changed on their side, did they really change nothing in OpenSSL? I find it hard to believe.

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