Linux – can I share the SSH keys between WSL and Windows


I'm trying to move from using Powershell to Bash on Windows (Windows Subsystem for Linux or WSL). For the purpose of using GIT, I've set up my SSH keys in C:/Users/User/.ssh. I then logged into Bash, and created a symlink ln -s /mnt/c/Users/User/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/ in order to (in theory) use the same ssh keys from both shells.

When running git, however, I always get an error: Bad owner or permissions on /home/user/.ssh/config. What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

What am I doing wrong?

SSH requires sane permissions on the private keys and you are not able to achieve that while symlinking to different filesystem (windows). The manual page for ssh explains that quite clearly:


Contains the private key for authentication. These files contain sensitive data and should be readable by the user but not accessible by others (read/write/execute). ssh will simply ignore a private key file if it is accessible by others.

You can most probably copy the private keys and set appropriate permissions, if you want to "share the keys".

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