Linux – Block IPv6 Traffic using iptables on Linux using Layer 2 info


I have setup a simple isolated network consist of following Linux based machines:

Router's eth0 is connected with Node1's eth0.
Router's eth1 is connected with Node2's eth0.

All the three systems are configured with IPv6 address and I can ping each other successfully. I am running iptables/ip6tables on Router and I want to block all the IPv6 traffic coming from Node2 going towards Node1 (via Router)

As we know all the IPv6 traffic has the Ethernet Packet Type signature 0x86dd and I want to block the traffic using ip6tables using this specific signature only. After reading man page of ip6tables and searching on the internet I could not find a suitable option (like ether-type) to block the traffic.

Can I do this via ip6tables at all?

EDIT: I am specifically looking for a way to use data from Layer 2 (0x86dd) to block the traffic. Basically, the question boils down to whether iptables/ip6tables works on Layer 2 or not?

Best Answer

ip6tables -I FORWARD -o eth0 -j REJECT

This will reject all IPv6 traffic not originating on Router and going out of eth0. You might want to throw in an -i eth1 to specify the input interface, too. Additionally, you might also like

ip6tables -I FORWARD -d ${IP(Node1)} -j REJECT

which will block all traffic send to the IP address of Node1 not originating on Router or maybe

ip6tables -I FORWARD -s ${IP(Node2)} -d ${IP(Node1)} -j REJECT

which will block all traffic from Node2 towards Node1, based on their respective IP addresses.

Note that the last two only work if Node1 and/or Node2 have fixed IP addresses. Feel free to replace REJECT by DROP, but REJECT is usually the nicer way of doing things (especially in a ‘friendly’ environment).

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