Linux – Black Screen, Blinking Cursor (Ubuntu install) Super Grub 2 works


FIRST: I know this same problem has been discussed, but I have tried things and haven't found anything regarding Super Grub 2 and such.

Well the issue is pretty much defined in the title, but to be more precise:

System boots up and let's me go in the BIOS or Boot Manager. After that it boots to a black screen with a blinking cursor but it doesn't go past it.

Now the funny thing is that if plug in my UBS stick with Rescatux installed (Rescatux + Super Grub 2 Disk) and choose Super Grub 2 Disk and then there choose Detect any GRUB2 configuration file (grub.cfg) it leads me to a menu with (hd1,msdos1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg and let's me boot into Ubuntu.

My specs are as follows:

Intel HM76 board
nVidia GT650M
8GB 1600Mhz RAM
First HDD: 120GB Kingston V300 SSD (has Ubuntu not partitioned)
Second HDD: 500GB WD Scorpio Blue (has 8GB as SWAP and the rest as an unmounted EXT4 partition)

Edit: BIOS version is InsydeH20

Edit 2: I've also tried to install GRUB on my second hard driver, but no luck booting.

What seems to be the issue is that I can boot from a USB stick but not from an HDD, any tips?

Best Answer

Finally solved it (probably not the best way to do it, but who cares!) and here's how I did it:

  1. 1- Plug in Super Grub Disk2 and boot into Ubuntu
  2. sudo apt-get install multisystem
  3. Once there it will ask you where to install GRUB2 (don't ask me why)
  4. I choose to install it on every disk but the usb drive.

And you are done!

Hope this helped some one.


The right way to do this is:

sudo apt-get purge grub-pc grub2
sudo apt-get install grub-pc grub2

Here we choose to install it on every disk available (just in case)

sudo reboot
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