Linux – Best way to transfer files across unstable LAN


This is very similar to Question 326211, but in this case, the LAN is an unstable Wi-Fi connection.

I need to transfer about 11 GiB of files between two computers, both running Linux (although one may be rebooted into Windows.) Their connection is both slow and unstable (due to Linux's awful Wi-Fi support,) but removable media (such as a flash drive or external hard drive) is not an option at this time.

Right now, I'm slowly transferring the files, one by one, across SFTP, but I have to reconnect each computer approximately every 90 seconds, and the computers are not very close to each other, so this is not feasible.

This is not a duplicate of Question 30186; that one specifically concerns Windows 7, and all the proposed solutions involve closed-source, Windows-only programs (which are all spyware IMHO, and are all off the table even if I trusted them – one of the computers is Linux-only.)

Best Answer

What about using something like 7zip or winrar to create split archives of, say 50MB each. That way you can transfer files until connection drops but you don't need to start from scratch each time.

# -mx0 indicates no compression to be used (quickest method)
7z a -mx0 -v50m video.7z myVideo.mp4

Once all files transferred (using scp or equivalent) just recombine and extract? You'll probably also get better speeds from transferring multiple files at once.


EDIT: I know you said removable media was out of the question, but could you remove the hard disk from computer 1 and just plug into computer 2 at all to perform the transfer?

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