Linux – Batch Update Symbolic Links Recursively


I have a web app that has a bunch of symbolic links in subdirectories throughout it. I need to move the app to another directory structure, and I need to update all the symlinks to point to the new path. For example:

Old Dir: /home/user/public_html/dev
New Dir: /home/user/public_html/qa
Old Symlink: /home/user/public_html/qa/multisites/slave01/images -> /home/user/public_html/dev/images
New Symlink: /home/user/public_html/qa/multisites/slave01/images -> /home/user/public_html/qa/images

The problem is that there's a lot of these scattered throughout various directories. How can I recursively search from the root and recreate all symlinks pointing to /dev/ with /qa/?

Best Answer

This bash command should do it for you:

find /home/user/public_html/qa/ -type l -lname '/home/user/public_html/dev/*' -printf 'ln -nsf "$(readlink "%p" | sed s/dev/qa/)" "$(echo "%p" | sed s/dev/qa/)"\n' >

It uses find to identify all files in the qa directory that are symbolic links with a target that's in the dev directory, and for each one, it prints out a bash command that will replace the link with a link to the equivalent path in qa/. After you run this, just execute the generated script with


You might want to examine it manually first to make sure it worked.

Here's a more verbose version of the above find command for easier reading (though I wouldn't necessarily write it this way in practice):


find $SRC_DIR -type l \
  -lname "$OLD_TARGET/*" -printf \
  'ln -nsf "$(readlink "%p"|sed $SUB)" "$(echo "%p"|sed $SUB)"\n'\
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