Linux – ArchLinux problems with wireless

arch linuxnetworkingwireless-networking

I recently followed this tutorial on installing arch-linux.

During that tutorial and connected to a wireless network (WPA2+PSK) through my linksys wireless adapter (WUSB54GR) using the 'wifi-menu' program, and it worked like a charm, I didn't even have to install drivers; I just selected my network and entered the encryption key.

When I installed arch and logged in, I no longer had access to wireless connection; and when I did the command:


The console says:

Please install 'dialog' to use wifi-menu

So I tried doing 'sudo pacman -S dialog', but obviously this did not work, as I did not have an internet connection.

What do?

BTW I have no ethernet ports on this pc so I cannot hook it up directly to the router.

Best Answer

Refering to a post in another forum:

wifi-menu is a part of the netcfg package. If you did not install it, you won't have it available. Your options are either establishing the connection using the ip, iw... and wpa_supplicant tools manually or downloading the packages netcfg, dialog and ncurses manually on an usb stick and install them with pacman -U package.pkg.tar.gz

You can find the download in the package database

Your other option is to boot with the install medium again, connect to the internet, mount your arch installation, chroot and install netcfg.


Once again, google saves the day.

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