Linux: Alternative to rsync? (ie, scp with resume)


I've been using rsync to automatically send files from one box to another, which is great compared to scp, since it supports resuming. However, when resuming a very large file (>10gb) rsync has to read both files and compare them, which is very slow.

I don't need fancy error handling, just "scp with resume", so here's my question:

Is there an alternative to rsync/scp, that supports resuming without having to read both source and destination files?

I've read the manuals without finding anything I can use, please let me know if I've missed something. This is the rsync line I've been using:

rsync -av --partial --progress --inplace SRC DST

Best Answer

You could try the --append option of rsync since it sounds like you want to base the resumption on the sizes of the two files rather than verifying that their contents match.

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