Linux – Alternative to Abiword, LibreOffice or Open Office under Linux


Actually I'm looking for a word processor with the folllowing features :

  • Base Formatting
  • Lightweight
  • Stable & bugfree

It should work for common office work on quite old machines.

EDIT : It's better to give a more complete description of the situation. Actually I'm working in a press agency. The journalists work on Ubuntu machines, and until a couple of weeks ago they did use Abiword to prepare articles that are loaded into a CMS. OpenOffice was not an option because it's too heavy and slow. The problem is that they keep many documents and browser windows open at the same time, so the amount of RAM avaliable is very little. We upgraded to natty a couple weeks ago and Abiword came out with many strange bugs and crashes, and it has some problems with extra mark-up, so we decided to move from it.
Actually the better option IMHO is Google Docs, but they are not really happy sharing their documents in the cloud. So resuming, the problems are :
– Openoffice/Libreoffice : too ram consuming
– Abiword : strange markup and not so stable

Best Answer

Take a look at LyX, it's my favorite writing tool ever, and I think I've tried them all. It's easy to learn too.

enter image description here

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