Linux – airodump-ng doesn’t see associated machines


Here is the process and results. I am not sure why this isn't working when a few day's ago it was. This is my network, I have full control over it and all the machines on it.

//Step 1 get wlan0 in monitor mode

root@kali:~# ifconfig wlan0 down
root@kali:~# iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
root@kali:~# ifconfig wlan0 up
root@kali:~# iwconfig wlan0
wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  Mode:Monitor  Frequency:2.452 GHz  Tx-Power=20 dBm   
          Retry short limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off
          Power Management:off

//step two create interface with airmon-ng

root@kali:~# airmon-ng start wlan0
Interface   Chipset     Driver

wlan0       Ralink RT2870/3070  rt2800usb - [phy0]
                (monitor mode enabled on mon0)


//start airodump-ng to target my wifi
root@kali:~# airodump-ng mon0 

CH  5 ][ Elapsed: 2 mins ][ 2015-01-03 19:17  

 BSSID              PWR  Beacons    #Data, #/s  CH  MB   ENC  CIPHER AUTH ESSID
 <MAC Removed>  -17       75       14    0   1  54e  WPA2 CCMP   PSK  <ESSID Removed>  

//Attempt to target my wifi 
root@kali:~# airodump-ng mon0 -c 1 --bssid <MAC From Above>

It's at this point that I can see my wifi with all the correct info. However, NONE of the devices I have associated with my wifi appear? I have a phone, two kindles, a surface pro 3 and an xbox one all on my wifi. I would imagine at least one of them would appear in the associated devices output. Yet, nothing.

I am only about 10 feet from my router so I don't think it's a distance issue. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I tried this about a week ago and had success. I'm not sure what's different. Did I miss something?


Well some interesting results….

I decided to put one of the tablets in front of me and watch it as I sent deauth packets. It, as you would expect, drops it's connection to the wifi and then re-establishes it. What is interesting about this is two things.

First I did a test packet injection with aireplay-ng -9 and it said 0/30 packets made it through. If that's the case then why did the deauth work?

So I wrote all the packets to a cap file and then inspected it with WireShark. Sure enough I can see the deauth packets then shortly after I can see each device re-establishing a connection (no handshake captured though)

It would appear that the airodump-ng script is lying to me. I am not sure why though.

UPDATE Number 2

So further interesting details. I decided to attempt this attack on a separate machine. I booted up my Wifi-Pinapple MK5 and launched an identical attack. Worked first time no questions.

Since I am using a live version of Kali and this attack did work a couple weeks ago, I am lead to one of two conclusions. Either my usb wifi adapter has gone bad or it has some internal setting that was changed. This is beyond any knowledge I have about it so feel free to add input.

Best Answer

Looks to be a driver issue between Ralink RT2870/3070 and usb wifi adapter firmware. I would say maybe the wifi router only accepts deauth packets from authenticated mac address's however this is not the case as you used a Wifi-Pinapple MK5 with identical commands and it worked fine. If you have used the wifi usb with a live version of kali before and it worked fine then I would say the is problem your wifi adapter.

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