Linux: Access Files In Another Partition


I had a LG N1T1 NAS drive that got shut down during a power outage. When power returned, the permissions were gone. I couldn't access the web services and the shared folders wouldn't open. I took the hard drive out of it, connected it to a computer and booted it up with a new install of Linux.

I don't have much experience with Linux and need a bit of help accessing the files on one of the partitions.

** Linux Partition Image **

Here is a picture of the Partition I'm trying to get into. I've tried /dev/sda3 and it says: Permission Denied, I've also tried:

chmod 777 /dev/sda3 

which returned:

Operation Not Permitted

I tried this as well:

chown username /dev/sda3

Any help is much appreciated!

Best Answer

You need to mount the partition or drive first to do that, you need to enter this command

sudo mount <partition-name> <mount-point>

in your case partition-name is /dev/sda3 and mount-point is generally /mnt.

and the you can cd into /mnt and access or modify files


If your partition if you get mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member' you need to mdadm --assemble --run --force /dev/md0 /dev/sda3 first and then can mount partition

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