Linking to a chat room via XMPP: URI


I found out how to link directly to a chat room on a Jabber conference server — it took a bit of digging, and I wound up actually looking at the spec before I was sure I was doing it right. I confirmed here, so I'm pretty sure I've got it.

The results, though, are puzzling. If I click a link of the style I get a new chat session with user "dude" at, as expected. If I tack on a nonsense query (, it's ignored, which is what the spec says should happen. However, if I use, as in the link above, nothing happens.

I dug a little deeper, and found out that on my (Linux) system, xmpp URIs are handled via purple-url-handler, so I dropped to a terminal and ran it manually. The result was that any xmpp URI ran fine except one that includes a ?join query. The ?join query results in a dbus crash, pointing specifically to line 2356 of dbus-message.c — a little Googling suggests this probably is dbus's less-than-elegant way of telling me that somebody is using dbus incorrectly.

Am I crafting my link correctly? Is this an OS or maybe application issue? Does this work on other platforms / browsers / etc? More importantly, is there any easy way to fix it?

Best Answer

The URI scheme used by XMPP is defined in XEP-0147 and extended for ?join in XEP-0045, point 15.7.2. In this form it is handled f.e. by psi and gajim -- so this standard is already being implemented by some XMPP clients.

I guess that if your software crashes in such a simple scenario, your software is buggy. You should report that to your distribution maintainers.

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