LibreOffice pivot: How to count 1 per line

libreoffice-calcopenoffice-calcpivot table

I have a list of fruit occurrences like this:


And I want LibreOffice to give me a number of occurrences per fruit, for instance:

banana | 2
apple  | 2
orange | 1

How can I do this?

I guess that a pivot table would to require a column full of "1", and it is a pain to create this column.

Best Answer

There are (at least) two solutions:

  1. Using a pivot table;
  2. Using the COUNTIF function together with a list of distinct values.

1. Pivot table

The following pivot table layout...

enter image description here

will give you the following output:

enter image description here

2. COUNTIF and distinct values

Another approach involves the COUNTIF function. You can create the "result table" in two simple steps:

  1. Create a list of distinct values (fruit names) using a standard filter:

    Create list of distinct values

  2. Apply the countif function to all of the resulting distinct values like this:


    enter image description here