LibreOffice is savingĀ CSV files with tabs as separators


I just opened a CSV file in LibreOffice, made a small change and hit save, saying "yes, keep using CSV". The file is now filled with tabs instead of commas. My scripts (using Python's CSV lib) won't read it and I have go out of my way to replace tabs with commas.

Just to be clear: a CSV file by very definition uses commas, otherwise it'd be a TSV file, right?

Is there some option in LibreOffice I can set to make it use commas when writing CSV files?

Best Answer

For some users (thoses using KDE), the "edit filter settings" box is gray. A workaround is to use Openoffice dialogs. Tools > Options > LibreOffice > General > Open/Save dialogs > Use LibreOffice dialogsenter image description here Then you will be able to choose the field delimiter wanted.enter image description here That bug was reported here :

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