Windows 7 – Laptop Turns On Spontaneously from Sleep State

laptopsleepwindows 7

I own a laptop(HP Pavilion DV7) with Windows 7 installed for already half a year.
Usually when I finish my work I do not turn machine off – closing is enough to get is into "Sleep" state.

Generally it's okay for me, but recent several days laptop was turning on in night spontaneously, while I was sleeping.

  • I haven't installed any app with "turn-on by schedule on
    when_dooes_pc_wants"-like features.
  • Checked if there are some
    "Wake-On-Lan"-like settings in BIOS, haven't found ones.
  • The power-cable is always plugged-in.

Does someone have any suggestions regarding that?

p.s. laptop is placed right near by bed, so when it turns-on on night – it is quite annoying and a bit scary. I think it's trolling me, please help to stop it 🙂


Best Answer

Check device drivers in Device Manager, see if any are set to "allow this device to wake computer", disable them.

enter image description here