Laptop “thinks” it’s overheating, shuts down itself


Short version: When I turn on the laptop fans go full speed even though the the laptop is ice cold. After about 20 seconds it shuts down itself which I guess it's "thinking" CPU is overheating.

Long version: Recently I had an overheating issue with it, I thought open it up and clean the fan. I knew the problem was with the fan because I did not do any heavy tasks with this laptop which would need a lot of resources to compute and the fan didn't seem to push any air out from the air vents.

Now this is not my first time opening my laptop so it wasn't hard, I follow the disassembly video just to make sure I would not forget anything. I open it open clear the dusts stuck in the fan which was a lot. The vents were completely clear. I assembled the laptop again, turned it on, it was on for a couple of minutes and then it shuts down. The problem seemed to be the battery since it only lasts for 5 minutes. I connected the charger and turned it on again. In the middle of boot up it shuts down. The strange thing is fans are working full speed the whole time even though it's cold.

I am pretty sure I have connected everything. But of course there's something I have missed which causes this problem. I did not disassemble the heatsink from CPU. I only opened the fan.

What could be the problem

Best Answer

I opened up the laptop again. Problem was that the I had loosened up one of the four screws that connect heatsink to the CPU and forgot to tighten it up. This caused the fan go crazy and the CPU shut itself down in order to prevent overheating.

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