Windows – Laptop dimming display on dark backgrounds

backlightbrightnesslaptop-displaylcdwindows 10

My Acer laptop running Windows 10 has a very annoying feature: when running on battery, the LCD backlight dims gradually when displaying a dark screen and brightens gradually when displaying light screen.

This is especially annoying when switching between my IDE (which is dark and pleasant to the eyes) and a webpage.

I've figured out that this is happening only on battery, and no matter the display brightness, it happens unless I plug it in. I've checked if there's some setting in the Windows power settings, but nothing popped out at me (my laptop for instance doesn't have adaptive screen brightness).

Best Answer

An obscure forum post pointed me in the right direction:

  1. Search Windows for 'Intel'
  2. Select 'Intel HD Graphics Control Panel'
  3. Click the 'Power' square button
  4. Click 'On Battery' tab
  5. Disable 'Display Power Saving Technology' (I see it as the last option)

Here's the option in Intel's HD Graphics Control Panel:

Intel HD Graphics Control Panel: Display Power Saving Technology

Save your eyes and turn off "Display Power Saving Technology".

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