Laptop battery does not show 100% when it is fully charged


Recently I purchased a replacement battery. The new battery has more capacity compared to the previous one.

The problem is Windows (Vista) does not report 100% charge for the laptop even when it is fully charged. Currently it only seems to charge up to 55%. But if I discharge it to 0%, the laptop can run 2 more hours at 0%.

I thought fully discharging the battery would help, but when I plug it in and charge it back, first it stays at 0% for a long time again, and then it starts to go up until it reaches 55% and stays there.

Is there any way I can calibrate this battery?

Best Answer

The Windows battery meter in the system tray might not accurately display the charge level of the battery, to have it calibrated you can use the steps bellow (may take several hours):

Note: Do not use the computer during the calibration cycle.

Step by Step:

  1. First turn off your screensaver and other power management settings that put the computer to sleep.

  2. Then fully charge the laptop battery;

  3. Unplug the power cord;

  4. Let it run all the way down until the computer shuts off automatically.

  5. Once fully drained, you can charge it back up again and restore your screensaver and power management settings.

Additional information and more elaborated methods can be found at:

HP - Calibrating the Notebook Battery (Windows Vista)

works equally for other laptop brands.

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