Keyboard shortcut to start new Pidgin IM

keyboard shortcutslaunchypidgin

I'm looking for an easy way to use a keyboard shortcut (from anywhere in Windows) to open a new Pidgin IM window with a contact in my buddy list.

Normally I'd try and use Launchy for this (which I use pretty frequently for launching other things), but I've searched and can't find a Pidgin plugin or anything for it that might facilitate this.

So I'm either looking for (in order):

  1. A Launchy plugin that will open a new Pidgin IM window (e.g. enter "pidgin contact-name" in the Launchy dialog)
  2. A Launchy equivalent (e.g. command-line fu)
  3. A non-Launchy global keyboard shortcut

Does anyone know of anything that can help me? Thanks.

Best Answer

Here's your best bet, which is what I do:

  • Use the Pidgin Hotkeys plugin to assign a global hotkey to the buddy list, use that to bring it up.
  • Start typing the name of the contact, and pidgin will highlight the name in the buddy list.
  • Hit enter, instant message window pops up, start typing your message.

Once you start using it, you'll wonder why you did anything else.

alt text

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