Windows – Switch Back to Romaji Input Method in Japanese IME


There are apparently two ways to work a Japanese keyboard:

  1. type alphabetic characters (romaji) and translate them. ( t+a = ta, t+e = te, and so on)

  2. every key is assigned a single kana (q = ta, w = te and so on).

No one I know uses the second method.

Somehow the IME (on Windows XP) got switched into the second method.

How can I switch it back?

Update: I have restarted the computer in the mean-time, and that put it back to normal.

Best Answer

Try Alt + ` to toggle direct kana input.

On a Japanese keyboard, try Alt + the カタカナ|ひらがな|ローマ字 key (to the right of the space key).
With Windows 7 you get a confirmation dialog in case you accidentally hit this key combination.