ITunes on Vista is painfully slow


Up until recently, my music library program of choice was Windows Media Player.

However, then I got an iPod Touch which requires iTunes (iirc, one of the alternative programs for iPod Classic/iPod Nano has iPod Touch support in a nightly/beta, but apart from that, you do need iTunes).

My biggest problem is speed, my music library of 30GB on a network drive via Wi-Fi, is never going to be kind on any media player, but iTunes can at times take up to 2 minutes to respond to a click. And this is with CPU/RAM usage nowhere near full.

Is there any way of speeding up iTunes?

EDIT: Most (if not all) iPod compatible programs are NOT compatible with the iPod Touch/iPhone. Please double check that your program is compatible before suggesting it as an answer.

Best Answer

I have used MGTEK dopisp with great success (it is a plug in for WMP)
Version 4 supports iPhone and iPod Touch.

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