Windows – ny way to get tree organisation for Windows 7 file explorer favorites

favoriteswindows 7windows-explorer

In XP there was a MenuBar called Favorites which seemed to be based on Internet Explorer Favorites. It was fantastic because it allowed for very fast tree style navigation (if set up correctly you could navigate it using first letter keystrokes, so to access a shortcut named "videos" in a folder named "files" was as quick as Alt-A f v)

This was removed in Vista (and imo generally regressed the file explorer). This was fine because I never used it, but I'm resigned to eventually embracing the inevitability that is Windows 7.

Dealing with a single non-nested list of favourites is pretty painful to me as I have quite a lot of them. Is there a way to make a tree like favorites structure in Windows 7? My fingers are crossed.

Best Answer

Microsoft in its infinite wisdom decided in Win7 that Favorites do not need nesting.
One can include a folder in Favorites, but that points to the physical folder as-is.

I believe that the only solution is to abandon Favorites and use a library instead.
You may even name this library "Favorites".