N easy way to use Vim text-objects on camel case words


Often I'll be doing a quick edit to a camel case word in some code and wish I could use something like text-objects to select one part of the camel case word.

For example, given this snippet:

class TextObject:

If my cursor is on the 'x' in TextObject, I would like to quickly select/operate on the word 'Text'. If my cursor is on the 'j', I would like to manipulate the word 'Object'.

Vim text-objects allow me to quickly manipulate the entire word TextObject (e.g 'caw'), but I've noticed that I quite often want to manipulate only a single word in a camel case string like this.

Any pointers?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

This is exactly what the CamelCaseMotion script is for. I use it all the time.

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