Word – Is there a way to search for equations in Word 2007 documents

equationsmicrosoft wordsearchvisual basic

I have many large Word 2007 documents containing a few dozen equations each. Is there a way to locate the equations using Word's Find command, or do I have to hunt for them old-school?

I tried searching for a graphic (^g) and and field (^d), but that didn't do the trick. Am I missing something obvious? Might there be a way to do this using VB or some other trick?


It appears that the go-to-equation feature is broken in Office 2007. The feature can be accessed from the "Go To" tab on Word's Find dialog.

See some discussion here.

Also, in VB one can observe the following:

' Works: advances to the next footnote.
Sub GoToFootnote()
    Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToFootnote
End Sub

' Does nothing, even though wdGoToEquation is a
' documented item in the WdGoToItem enumeration.
Sub GoToEquation()
    Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToEquation
End Sub


-> More
-> Format
-> Font = Cambria Math   (or whatever font your equations use)

Best Answer

You need the "Go To" dialog box. You can get it by typing ctrl + g or on the Home tab, click the drop down on the "Find" button and choose "Go To".

The Go To dialog box lets you go to equations. You'll see it on the list on the left side of the box.