Windows 7 Search – How to Index Shared Network Drives

windows 7windows-search

I was able to do this in Windows XP Search and using something like Copernicus.

I don't see any way to do this with Windows 7 (other than making it available offline which means that all that data will be duplicated on my local drive.

What I've tried :
I read elsewhere in the Windows 7 Help that you need to make sure the networked drive is indexed by it's O/S. So this network drive is on our Server (XP Pro, SP3) so I've installed Windows Search 4.0 and set it to indexing that drive.

I have another XP machine which is already indexed and Windows 7 still wouldn't let me add that drive to a Library (to get it indexed) because it's not indexed. So I'm not hopeful that the above solution will work.

Best Answer

Go to the search settings. (Open the Control Panel, click "Indexing Options")

Open "Advanced Options" and choose "Add UNC Location"

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