PuTTY Auto Login – How to Enable Auto Login with Password


Is there a way to configure a password for a stored session in PuTTY?

I know there is the capability to specify an "auto-login username" (under Connection/Data), but is there a way to do the same with the password?

Best Answer

For some versions of PuTTY, it's as simple as one of:

putty.exe mylogin@somewhere.com -pw mypassword
putty.exe somewhere.com -l mylogin -pw mypassword

If you want to connect using SSH, use this:

putty.exe -ssh root@somewhere.com -pw mypasswordforsomewherecom

For those using Windows, you can simply create a shortcut and pass in these parameters.

For example:

  1. Create a shortcut on the desktop to putty.exe
  2. Rename the shortcut to PuTTY - server.com
  3. Right-click shortcut and choose Properties
  4. Modify the target similar to: "C:\Program Files\PuTTY\putty.exe" user@server.com -pw password
  5. Click OK

If your PuTTY does not support the pw parameter, you will need a public key as explained in:
Creating and Copying Your Key-Pair in PuTTY SSH Client (alternate up-to-date instruction source).

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