Maximum Number of Bookmarks in Firefox – Is There a Limit?


I have the information in the back of my mind that Firefox had some sort of limit on how many bookmarks one could save?

AFAIK it deleted these afterwards, so the performance of the autocompletion (in the address bar/omnibar) would stay reasonable.
IIRC there was some similar (but lower?) limit for the Firefox history, but if that is deleted I obviously hardly care.

How many bookmarks can be saved in Firefox? Is there an upper limit?

The reason is I'd like to check how near I am this limit. After I found one way or actually two ways of counting all bookmarks in Firefox.

Also: What happens if I exceed this limit? Is there some sort of warning? Does Firefox just delete old bookmarks?

So, do I have to fear Firefox could delete some bookmarks, if I use them too excessively?

Also asked/cross-posted at Mozilla Support.

Best Answer

The bookmarks and history are stored in the SQLite database named places.sqlite.

As a database can grow as much as required, I don't think that there is really any limit.

(Note: If I myself haven't run out of bookmarks or history with my 3734 bookmarks and many thousands of history entries, you won't either.)

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