Windows 7 – Keyboard Shortcut for ‘Open File Location’ in Windows Search

keyboard shortcutswindows 7

Here's what I want to do:

  1. Hit Windows.
  2. Type in a search for a file.
  3. Select the file (arrow keys).
  4. Open the file's containing folder
    without right-clicking (like in
    Spotlight with Command +

Best Answer

You could use the menu button on your keyboard, assuming you have one. Replacing your step 4 with the following has what I think is the desired effect:

  1. Menu
  2. Arrow keys to "Open File Location" option. Update: Or just press i - see comments.
  3. Enter

Now, it's hardly a shortcut, but since you're arrowing to the file maybe this isn't too much of an additional chore compared to having to mouse as well?

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