Dynamic Sorting in Excel 2007/2010 – How to Enable

microsoft excelsortingworksheet-function

I have a task list spreadsheet that I maintain. Each task is given a ranking based on number of days until due date, weighted by high, low, or medium priority. The ranking is automatically calculated, and the resulting list manually sorted to yield the current list of to-do's in priority order.

In a perfect world, I'd like to set up a second tab in my worksheet that would display the data from my first tab, but sort it for me on the fly. For instance, if I entered a new task that was due today with a high priority, I could flip to sheet 2 and it would already be automagically sorted to the top of the list.

Sheet One (as entered; number is calculated weight)

Task 01, 06/20/2013, Low,  0009
Task 02, 06/20/2013, High, 0999
Task 03, 06/30/2013, Med,  0089
Task 04, 06/19/2013, High, 1000  <-- new entry

Sheet Two (automatically sorted, descending order on calculated weight)

Task 04, 06/19/2013, High, 1000 
Task 02, 06/20/2013, High, 0999
Task 03, 06/30/2013, Med,  0089
Task 01, 06/20/2013, Low,  0009

We're transitioning from 2007 to 2010 in our organization, so I want to make sure that any soutions work in both versions. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Excel does this sort of thing easily. You shouldn't even need a second sheet (although you could certainly use one).

  1. Convert your list of tasks to a Table Insert>Tables>Table.
  2. In your Calculated Weight Column, use the drop down arrow and select Sort Largest to Smallest.
  3. Each time you add a row to your table, just re-sort and you'll always have the highest priority first.

Here's what the Table and associated Pivot would look like. You could place them on the same or separate sheets, to your preference.

Table and Pivot

As an alternative, you could have this table feed a Pivot Table which would always be sorted in the same manner, but you'll still have to refresh the Pivot Table whenever you update the original data Table (whether manually or automatically based upon a time period or workbook open). This functionality is available in both 2007 and 2010.

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