Mac – is there a Diff tool for dropbox for Mac


Is there a dropbox diff tool/app for Mac?

So what I mean here in an app that highlights visually the difference between versions in a text file you have on dropbox. It would typically have two vertical panels with the documents you are comparing on either side. When you scroll both scroll at the same time. The differences are highlighted.

You would then click the dropbox versions you want to compare, for the dropbox file you selected, and scroll through the differences.

Best Answer

There is an in-browser Chrome extension, DropboxDiff. Here is the description:

DropboxDiff offered by Victor Shih

Compare versions of your Dropbox files in-browser or with your configured diff tool. Trigger from any "Previous versions" page. Provides two options for comparing different versions of your Dropbox files: 1) a side-by-side diff within your browser, or 2) an external diff tool. This can be TortoiseMerge, kdiff3, FileMerge, or any tool which can be triggered from a command line.

In the "Previous versions" view of the Dropbox web interface of any file, a column is added which allows you to select two versions to compare. Click the Inline button to view the difference in-browser, or the Diff button to trigger your configured diff tool.

Supports Windows, Mac, and Linux as far as I know, though I can't be sure every possible configuration is covered.