Windows – better, more UNIX-like command line shell for Windows

command linepowershellwindows

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I haven't found it after an hour or so of searching…

I've been using Unix and Mac OS for a while, but I'm a Windows user at heart. This #1 things that I've been loving about these *nix operating systems is the terminal and shells. I know that you can use Console to make the actual console better, but I just kind of hate the windows shell. I recently moved from bash to zsh on my Mac and I've never been faster. I can zoom around, have all sorts of colors, aliases, a cool prompt, etc. that make terminal usage just plain awesome.

Is there anything like this for Windows? How can I make my shell experience less painful? Basically, I want oh-my-zsh for Windows.

Best Answer

Windows Powershell has been Microsoft's shell of choice since the release of Windows server 2008 & Vista. Ports are available for XP as well. V2 is the current standard and v3 is in development. Most major mgmt tools are either currently running Powershell under the covers or have a PoSH interface.

If you've not attempted to use PoSH for some bulk management task, you owe yourself the treat. Working with objects instead of text representations of objects is really powerful. If you run AD, start doing your AD user mgmt with PoSh.

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