CPU – Is My i7 Running Too Hot?


Here's my setup

  • Intel i7 940 – stock speed
  • 12GB DDR3 RAM
  • ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
  • 2x 10k RPM Velociraptor Hard drives

At no load, room temperature my cpu cores consistently read:
43 43 46 43 (Celsius)

The 3rd core is always a little hotter… don't know if maybe the thermal paste was spread uneven or something or if that core is always constantly selected by Windows by background tasks.

I built this computer last December, when the heat was actually worse because I had broken the stock fan. I'm currently using a highly rated aftermarket cpu fan/heatsink (can't remember the name). Those numbers seem to be the best I could do after removing the fan & heatsink and reapplying it several times.

I know the i7 runs hot, but this seems very hot. I've seen much lower numbers posted from people using the i7 920, albeit most had much less RAM than me (does the extra RAM generate more heat?).

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

worry not, 43c isn't anywhere NEAR hot.

here's a thermal guide for the Core i7 920 (Source: Tom's Hardware)

-Tcase / Tjunction-

--65-- / --70--70--70--70-- Hot

--60-- / --65--65--65--65-- Warm

--55-- / --60--60--60--60--Safe <--

--25-- / --30--30--30--30-- Cool

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