Is the Graphics Card slowing the entire system down

graphics cardperformance

OK, so I have just put together a new machine, using all new shiney parts except my graphics card, which I thought would be man enough given that I'm not using this a gaming machine at all.

The graphics card is bringing the Windows Experience Index down considerably (results below), but I am surprised at the effect it appears to be having, so think it might be something else?

The problem I am getting is that rendering actions is slow, for example, opening a new tab in Firefox, or even just typing this question into the browser here. The text is appearing a few seconds after I type it. Opening a new browser tab is not as "instant" as I would expect and scrolling web pages is slightly jerky.

Opening files and programs is lightening fast, as I would expect, but it's these basic user actions that are slow and frustrating.

Any tips gratefully received.

The graphics card is an NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS and drivers are all up to date.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The 8400 GS is going to get you a score somewhere in the 3-4 range (Google it and you will see people reporting various ranges depending on the spec). You can get a much better card for a very small amount of money, or even use the onboard graphics with a DVI/HDMI dongle - actually, most graphics cards come with them for free, I have several at home, so hit up some geeky friends and you can probably source them at no cost.

Given the specs of the rest of your machine, that 8400 GS is definitely going to hold you back, big time. It would definitely be worth your while spending a little money and getting something a little more modern to power your display, especially if you ever want to run any kind of game on it. A sub-$100 card like the Radeon HD6670 will net you a 7.1 WEI score and if you hunt for a bargain you may even get something better.

Go to Tom's Hardware Top Graphics Cards for the Money (May 2012 link), pick your price point and then follow their advice - they have never steered me wrong.

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