Linux – Is it possible to retrieve the content of a running bash script from RAM


I have by accident overwritten a very complex bash script, where I tried to implement scoping and threading in a tidy way.

Now the same script is still running but the file is no more, question is:
Is it possible to scan through the ram and find the sting representation of the file itself ?

Another problem is: I can't find the /dev/mem or /dev/kmem file, already tried to grep it for contents.

To the environment: It's a debian/sid machine (vps) hostet on

root@heisenberg:~# ls -a /dev
.        kmsg   ptyp2  ptyp9  random  tty1   tty5   ttyp2  ttyp9  urandom
..       log    ptyp3  ptypa  shm     tty10  tty6   ttyp3  ttypa  xconsole
.udev    null   ptyp4  ptypb  stderr  tty11  tty7   ttyp4  ttypb  zero
char     ptmx   ptyp5  ptypc  stdin   tty12  tty8   ttyp5  ttypc
console  pts    ptyp6  ptypd  stdout  tty2   tty9   ttyp6  ttypd
fd       ptyp0  ptyp7  ptype  tty     tty3   ttyp0  ttyp7  ttype
full     ptyp1  ptyp8  ptypf  tty0    tty4   ttyp1  ttyp8  ttypf

Best Answer

Have a look at /proc/$PID/fd. There you should have all the file descriptors openned by the process, including the script itself. Just cat $FD > /tmp/ should be enough to recover it.

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