Is it possible to reprogram a USB keyboard


I recently bought a small USB device that acts as an "HID keyboard device" (standard USB keyboard)

It has only one key, which is bound to a lowercase 'b'.

I want it to be rebound to something else, and several options come to mind:

  1. Software rebind. Easy and simple, but I don't want to configure each
    machine I connect the device to.

  2. The device comes with a Windows driver. This has two inconvenients:
    No support for Linux/BSD/whatever, and the driver MAY be malware
    (considering the origin of the device, it's a realistic
    possibility). This driver may however allow the device to be

  3. Write my own driver. It has the inconvenient of also having to
    deploy it everywhere, but it could be fun to do 🙂

  4. Reprogram the device.

I'd like to avoid options 1 and 2. And I would certainly like to do 4, but I don't know if it's possible to reprogram a USB keyboard device to output different keys (it could be simple since the devices has ONLY 1 key).

CLARIFICATION: The device does work on all platforms as a standard USB keyboard does. However, the CD included has a custom driver that can be configured to translate the key to something the user selects

Best Answer

Why don't you build your own? Just take an old Keyboard you are not using, track the keys and rebuild with only the key you want to use! Somethink like this:



Or, you can go even further and use a micro controller and some switches to send the signal to whatever key you want to use and write you own driver for the micro controller. Something like that:

KEY ---> Microcontroler ---> Data Bus ---> Keyboard electronic board

edit: Re-programing wouldn't be worth it. It will take you forever for a $2 piece of electronic. Why the letter 'b'? did the manufacturer say anything about that? Can you change this letter using the Driver? The chip in the keyboard in theory is the one sending the string 'b' using RS232. What about a physical USB key-logger?

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