Is ~49 °C normal for motherboard idle temperature


My motherboard model name is Gigabyte GA-78LMT-S2PT. It's normal idle temperature shows 49 °C. Ambient room temp is 30 °C. Idle CPU (AMD FX-6100) temperature is 27 °C.

Is 50 °C too hot (for my motherboard)?

Best Answer

No, it is not too hot. 50 degrees C is pretty normal and safe temperature for electronics. However I would be worried about the CPU temperature. It seems to me that you are having a problem with temperature sensor, or its calibration. From numbers you have provided, your CPU temperature is lower than your ambient room temperature. This is not possible for air cooled systems. So I would assume the reported value is wrong. Also, It does not seem logical that your CPU temperature is lower then MB temperature. CPU's are normally over 80 degrees C.

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