Macos – IRC newbie needs detailed “How To” directions for connection with OS X IRC app


Newbie IRC user here. Trying to get connected on, preferably with a native Mac OS X client (I'm running 10.6.8), or at least something with a good "OS X feel." Also seeking a client that comes "well regarded" in Mac community (eg, Linkinus reflects outstanding Apple App Store user ratings). Thus far have found it remarkably difficult to "get started from scratch" with ANY client. All attempted clients (Colloquy, Textual, Linkinus) experience some sort of "*** Notice — You need to identify via SASL to use this server" error. I see this freenode SASL-friendly client list; am I really limited to only these clients?

This "IRC-freenode startup" procedure has been far more difficult than I had originally anticipated. Why can't I just do this and have it "just work"?

Bottom line: looking for a "chapter and verse"/cookbook description of how to get started with IRC chat rooms on Mac OS. Need reference to known-working client, and then exact directions on how to get connected to a chat room with a nickname.

Best Answer

I use Adium for IRC on freenode it's fairly easy to setup plus you can configure other IM Chat protocols. You can just add the join channel commands etc under options when setting up the account.

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