IRC: Cannot send to channel: #ruby-lang


I cannot connect connect to the #ruby-lang channel using an online IRC or my application. I can see what other people are saying, but whenever I type it just says:

20:05 <freenode> Error(404): #ruby-lang Cannot send to channel

and what does this mean:

17:35 Topic: Ruby 2.0.0-p0: (Ruby 1.9.3-p392) || Paste >3 lines of text on

I pasted 3 lines of text on like a fool. I have no idea what's going on!

Please, some help?

Best Answer

This is a description of a similar problem in another IRC channel on freenode. Basically, register (using NickServ) a nickname and then log in using it.

As for the "paste >3 lines...", it is just to get people to not post lots of text on IRC (which is annoying) and use a pastebin/Gist instead.

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