Windows 10 Invisible Window – Always On-Top Window on Bottom Right

windowswindows 10

So, for some time now I am noticing an invisible window in the bottom right corner of my screen. How I know it's there, well.. I can't click on anything else that is located there. Right mouse button brings a menu with unclickable back and forward options and clickable reload option (see pic).

So in pictures:

Casually browsing and clicking right-button on the mouse brings me the usual menu.

enter image description here

I go to the bottom right and click the right-mouse-button and a menu with 'back, forward and reload' shows up from the invisible window, left click and drag does nothing…

enter image description here

Same thing happens in the desktop and everywhere else I go and do. This invisible window is always on top which is annoying because I can't click what I want to click if it's behind the invisible window.

I've tried almost everything from alt-tabbing to checking task manager and nothing seems to work. It even happens when I have no windows open.

I've noticed that it happened ever since the Windows 10 anniversary update. Sometimes it's there sometimes it's not

Any ideas what might be causing this?

Best Answer

Do you have Origin installed for gaming? If so close it and restart it. Disable notifications for it, that might fix the problem.

** yes you do have origin, I see that now. :P

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