Internet Options to add Trusted Site Greyed Out – SysPreped Windows 10 LTSB

internet explorerinternet-securitySecurity

I just deployed an custom Windows 10 ISO I created and I can't set my local file server as a trusted site in internet options. The site button is greyed out. The only change I made in the image was adding the site pre-sysprep and now It not only didn't keep the settings through the sysprep process, but also locked me from making changes to internet options. I did test this image on another computer before adding the site pre-sysprep and post deploy I was able to add the site via normal methods. Clearly somehow adding the site to trusted sites before sysprepping the OS caused the issue. Unfortunatley, this is not an easy computer to re-deploy or I would just remake the ISO and re-deploy.

Update Re Comment [The Goal is to get RID of this Message]:

  • I don't use IE or care about its "options", I just want to get rid of this nag message when I run an exe from my fileserver as almost all my software is installed on the server.

enter image description here

  • Any idea how I can reset the settings to default?
  • How can I add the site via RegEdit? I know I only need to add one site and I use the IP not DNS.

I know the keys are related to HKLM/SOFTWARE/Policies/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Internet settings/, I'm thinking of exporting the entire "tree" from the other computer and importing it here, but that's a hassle as well as its not my computer.

Any ideas!? Thanks!

PS: Windows 10 LTSB v 1607 x64 -Up-2-date

enter image description here

Update: I had IE11 not installed, by installing it, Internet Options now look as they used to, but the option is still greyed out!

enter image description here

Update 2: I have "reset" IE Options, but still Grey 🙁

enter image description here

Best Answer

The issue was that Group Policy was somehow blocking me from adding into IE Options like I'm used to.

You want to configure Group Policy like so:

Navigate to Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Internet Control Panel\Security Page >> Site to Zone Assignment List

enter image description here

The "Values" are as follows:

Zone Number Zone Name
1   Intranet Zone
2   Trusted Sites zone
3   Internet zone
4   Restricted Sites zone

After configuration open CMD in Administrator mode and run the following:

gpupdate /force

Now reboot and test!


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