Integrate a Discord channel with GitHub pull requests


I have a programming team that shares code using GitHub, but primarily communicates through Discord. How can I setup my team's Discord to automatically include updates about GitHub commits and pull requests?

Best Answer

Integrating GitHub updates into a Discord channel can be done with webhook updates.

Via Discord - Intro to Webhooks

  1. Get the webhook URL for the server/channel you want to receive messages:

Getting webhook for #gitupdates

  1. Open the webhook settings in your GitHub repository settings (Settings > Webhooks)

  1. Click the "Add webhook" button, and enter the Discord-generated URL in the "Payload URL" section.

  2. To ensure the webhook displays messages properly, make sure to append '/github' at the end of your URL.

  3. For content type, stick with application/json, then customize which kind of events trigger webhook messages.

Customizing webhook notifications

  1. Click the last "Add webhook" button beneath the event notifications customization option, and you're all set!

Github notifications via webhook in Discord

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