Installing TomatoUSB on a Linksys WRT54GL


I don't know whether I'm missing something obvious here, but when I download the TomatoUSB 2.6 VPN build (from here), and try and install the included .trx file in the default Linksys router "Firmware upgrade" screen, I get the error "incorrect image file!"

I think it wants a .bin file instead, and indeed the default Tomato firmware comes with a .trx file AND various .bin files, so why doesn't TomatoUSB? How should I install TomatoUSB onto this router? Is it safe to just rename the .trx file to .bin, or do I need to get some other file to install it?

Best Answer

The answer was that the TomatoUSB image was too large (over 3MB) to be installed directly through the Linksys firmware. I first installed the regular Tomato firmware, then used its "Upgrade" screen to upgrade to TomatoUSB (you ARE allowed to upgrade to a .trx file from the regular Tomato firmware).

This guide actually tells you to install the "mini" version of DD-WRT first, for some reason, but it works equally well with normal Tomato as it does with that.

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