Install windows 8 in GPT style hard disk


I have an Acer Aspire E15 laptop, of my friend, in which I have been trying to install Windows 8 but I am unable to do so.
It has 4 partitions:

Partition 1: total: 900MB - free: 900MB - type: Primary
Partition 2:  total: 128MB - free: 128MB - type: MSR
Partition 3:  total: 447.9GB - free: 447.9GMB - type: Primary
Partition 4:  total: 16GB - free: 16GMB - type: Recovery

When I select partition 3 to install OS it says "windows cant be installed because it is GPT type" or something similar.
How do I install in this partition?

Additional info:
-without installation disc it shows "no bootable device- insert boot disc and press any key" so cant restore or repair.
-boot mode selected : Legacy (when switched to UEFI it says "no installation disc is inserted)
-HDD name and serial numbers are visible in BIOS.

How do I fix this issue? Do I need other installation media? or do I have any problem with my HDD?

Best Answer

The problem is that you have booted from disc in non-UEFI mode.

Make sure that CSM is disabled in your BIOS settings and when choosing the boot device, it should have UEFI: listed before the DVD drive name.

Another thing I would recommend is to make a bootable USB without MBR by using Rufus or the manual method from here. If you can boot from it, then sure it is in UEFI mode.

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