How to Increase Performance of Samsung 830 256GB SSD

hard driveperformancessd

I have a Samsung 830 SSD in my notebook connected to a SATA interface. This is a rather old HP notebook nc8430 which means SATA is SATA I and not II or even III that disk supports. But SATA I still supports speeds up to 150MB/s so I expected at least double values as per image below.

CrystalDiskMark shows rather slow performance:


I've been using this SSD for over a year now and I would like to know what to do to make it blazingly fast as other reports say it should be?


As suggested I'm adding AS SSD screenshot of the test.


And Samsung Magician's benchmark which is likely biased…

Samsung Magician

Best Answer

Samsung Magician does the trick

I've run Samsung Magician and in indeed it improved the situation quite drastically. It ran SSD optimization as well as optimized OS for speed (disabling some services) and here are the same tests as above but with quite different results. Especially the 4k performance and access times are now enormously improved. Samsung Magician apparently has a suitable name. :)

I've also added the over provisioning option although haven't tested without it.


as AS SSD's results show similar increase in performance.


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