Windows – In Windows 10, Google Chrome keeps muting itself in volume mixer

audiogoogle-chromewindows 10

I'm on Windows 10 and just recently I've noticed that Google Chrome starts off muted in the volume mixer and needs to be manually un-mute. When left alone for a while, Chrome automatically mutes itself again.

Here is how it looks in the Volume Mixer:

I have uninstalled and re-installed Google Chrome and it did not fix this issue. All solutions of this issue on the internet say that I need to do something with Google Toolbox, which I don't even have installed.

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

This is a known issue with several workarounds :
Issue 95435 - Chrome automatically mutes itself in Windows repeatedly.

I list the workarounds that worked for some (but never for all) :

  • Disabling and re-enabling the Google Toolbox extension
  • Uninstalling the extension Fast Free Converter
  • In chrome://plugins/, disable C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_11_9_900_117.dll and enable the one on C:\C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\
  • Deleting the file NPSWF32_11_9_900_117.dll
  • Uninstall GigaClick Clawer via Control Panel -> Programs and Features.

There seem to be many causes for this problem. If none of the above solutions apply to your case, you might check if an extension is responsible, by starting Chrome in Incognito Mode or Safe Mode. If this solves the problem, disable/enable extensions one by one until you find the one.