In Synergy, how can I configure a client monitor with a server monitor on either side


I have a monitor setup where two monitors are on my Windows 10 box (server) and one monitor is used for my Mac (client). It looks like this:

+------+                   +------+
|      | +---------------+ |      |
|      | |               | |      |
| pc 1 | |      mac      | | pc 2 |
|      | |               | |      |
|      | |               | |      |
|      | |               | |      |
|      | +---------------+ |      |
+------+                   +------+

When I mouse across to the left, it goes:
Mac (leftmost) –> pc 1 –> pc 2

And the opposite to the right.

What I would like is to have the mac monitor logically in between pc 1 and pc 2. So moving the mouse all the way to the left would be pc 1, moving right would be mac, and then all the way on the right would be pc 2.

But since both of the monitors are hooked up to the same system, I can't separate them in the config.

Is there any way to do that?


Best Answer

This functionality won't be available in an intuitive way until per-monitor configuration with uneven edges hits in Synergy 2.1 (2.0 is still in beta at time of writing).

You should be able to fake this though, as long as you're okay with the PC screens 'wrapping' around.

For your specific use case, put PC screen 1 to the right of PC screen 2 in Windows display settings and then set up synergy to wrap around (PC is to both the left and right of Mac).

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