Linux – In Arch Linux can I mount the EFI System Partition to /boot/efi

arch linuxlinuxpartitioning

I want to install Arch Linux but don't know if I should mount the ESP on /boot or /boot/efi If I mount the ESP on /boot/efi do I have to use the -p option when making the directory with mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi.

Best Answer

I want to install Arch Linux but don't know if I should mount the ESP on /boot or /boot/efi

For a single-OS machine, /boot would be easiest, because:

  1. The official kernel packages (linux etc.) install the kernel directly under /boot.
  2. Some smaller UEFI bootloaders (e.g. systemd-boot) can boot the kernel only from the EFI system partition. (GRUB can boot from anywhere.)

Therefore, if your bootloader requires the kernel to be in the ESP, then either you must mount the ESP at /boot, or set up a script to automatically copy the kernel from /boot to wherever the ESP is mounted.

do I have to use the -p option

Look up what the -p option does, then think about whether you need it.

It doesn't make the directory special – the purpose of mkdir -p is to automatically precreate all parent directories. If you're creating /boot/efi then it'll automatically create /boot in case that's missing.

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