Google Chrome Localization – Force Websites to Automatically Use English Language


I have an annoying problem. I live in a foreign country. Every time I visit a new website, it set the foreign language as default.

Is it possible to set some settings or any preference or any special header (using a Chrome extension) that can request English as default language on those sites.

It doesn't have to be full proof and work on every site but if it works on popular site, it will be awesome.

My goal is to set it once, and then it should work on all supported website.

Best Answer

There is no universal solution, but two common partial solutions.

Your browser sends an Accept-Language: header which indicates your language preference. This should be configurable in your brower's preferences. Here is a link to the W3C's guideline for how to do this in many popular browsers: and here I excerpt their instruction for current versions of Chrome:

Open Language and Input Settings and add the language or language+region choice you want from the list available. Order the resulting list so that it is in descending order of preference. You don't need to restart Chrome.

However, some sites annoyingly ignore or override your Accept-Language: preference e.g. based on your apparent geographic location. As a possible remedy, you can use an anonymizing VPN; some are free, and some allow you to set which geographic region you would like to appear to be in (though many are either non-free, or lack this facility).

However, perhaps also note that some sites also serve different content based on geolocation; so they might show you offers which are not valid in your region, or fail to show you offers which you would be eligible for if they were able to figure out where you are.

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