If I plug a two serial devices into usb adapters both into a single USB hub will the computer see two different COM ports

serial portusb

Hopefully a simple question but I couldn't quite find the answer myself. I'm writing a program in C++ that will, among other things, need to control two devices that are run by serial port. This program will be running on a laptop with NO serial ports, and possibly not enough USB ports. So I am going to have to use serial to USB adapters and worst case scenario I will have to plug both adapters into a single USB hub.

As far as I understand it when I plug the adapter right into a USB port then my computer, and thus my code, just sees that as a serial device, so that's good. But I'm not sure what will happen if I go through a USB hub. I think it would work but I'm not positive, and unfortunately I do not have the equipment on hand to test right now (sadly I am having to write much of this program without constant access to the devices it will be controlling, not my choice).

So if anyone can confirm one way or the other that would be very helpful, thanks.

Best Answer

Each USB-serial adapter will show up as its unique /dev/ttyUSBx device.

Note: there are multi-port adapters, i.e. a USB hub with several USB-serial adapters all housed in one enclosure. I use a few 4-port devices (one USB B-port, four FTDI chips and four DB9 connectors). enter image description here

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