IE8 – how to reopen tabs in all windows after a restart


In Firefox, if I have multiple windows open with several tabs each, all will be reopened when I restart FF.

In IE8. If I restart and click "Reopen last browsing session", IE reopens tabs from only one of the windows. Is there a way to make it reopen tabs from all windows?

Best Answer

I have IE 8.0.6001.18813 and mine restores both windows and tabs. Try the following:

  1. Open two windows of IE8 (one should already be open as you are reading this ).
  2. Open multiple tabs on each window using different sites for each tab.
  3. Open Task Manager (read the following prior to performing the step)
  4. On the Application Tab right-click and end task on one of your IE windows.
    (Make sure you do not click on the close dialog for IE. Just end task again.)

  5. This should kill both your IE windows.

  6. Reopen IE and you should get the restore session dialog.
  7. Click restore and both windows and tabs should be restored.